Residential Projects
Minor Land Division on North Schulz Road, Fenwick Island
Elevation Certificates in Bethany West
Boundary Surveying with Easement Design, Legal Description and Mapping
37 acre Boundary Survey on Sandy Landing Road, Dagsboro, De
5 Lot Minor Subdivision in Delmar
Boundary Surveying and Monumentation
Entrance Gate Site Plan for Dukes Dune
Boundary Surveying and Construction Staking at Cedarwood Street
Boundary Survey, Topographic Survey and Roof Height Certification Survey at new construction project on Ashwood Street
Commercial Projects
Boundary, stake out, and location survey of initial phases of Millville By The Sea
Boundary Surveying, Record of Survey, Building Additions, Utilities, Curb and Gutter, and Parking Lot Construction Staking
The Resort at Massey's Landing
Office Building Elevation Certificate on Coastal Highway
Building Construction Staking on Atlantic Avenue
As-built surveys for Nassau Grove Subdivision
Proposed Elevations, site plans,and location surveys for Big Beach Builds / Marnie Homes
Industrial Projects
Wetland location, Topography, and Boundary for Frontiertown
Boundary survey and topography ofr Fort Whaley Campground
Boundary Survey with Site Plan, Building Addition and Parking Lot Construction Staking, Elevation Certificaten of Puras Liquor Store
Elevation Surveys for Sea Colony West
Road, Sewer, Stake Out, Building, and Final Surveys for the Vineyards in Lewes